Ozonoids are super oxygen molecules without which life on earth would not be possible. We find the highest ozone content in the fresh morning air, in the forest and next to waterfalls. The more ozone there is in the air, the purer, fresher and more invigorating each breath is. It is the elixir of life par excellence.
A special process makes it possible to bind ozone in high-quality oils, to make it stable and to keep it, which offers many advantages, especially in skin care.
The natural element ozone combined with oil has the special property of being quickly and easily absorbed by the skin.
It supports a better supply of vital substances, restructuring, regeneration and the skin looks fresh and relaxed again. The extensive special properties of this special oil make it so valuable for every skin type.
It can be used pure or in combination with basic skin care creams.
The ozonated olive oil penetrates deep into the skin and promotes a healthy and supple complexion with its valuable substances.
Ingredients: Pure Olive Oil, Ozone (Hyper Oxygen)