Ensfellner GmbH
Lärchenweg 14
4502 St. Marien
Telephone: +43 (0) 7227 / 21 100
Fax: +43 (0) 7227 / 21 100 11
Available Dispatched:
Schloss Weissenberg 2
4053 Haid / Weissenberg
Opening hours:
Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m
Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m
Company name: Ensfellner GmbH
VAT number: ATU61936819
Company registration number: FN265875v
Authority: Linz-Land District Authority
Place of jurisdiction: Regional Court of Linz
Member of the WKO Upper Austria
Trade regulations:
Important Information:
The EU has passed laws that from now on no company may make statements about the effects of vitamins and nutritional supplements, for example.
We must therefore also remove corresponding information on the mode of action of our products from the labels and brochures.
We work according to Austrian law.
Organic inspection body:
BIOS Biocontrol Service Austria
Feyregg 39, A4552 Wartberg/Krems